Friday, June 14, 2013

This and that before I walk out the door...

Bism Illah wa as salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

Yes, I know I've missed May posting and I'm late posting for June...sorry, sorry, sorry! Life is on spin cycle and I'm dizzy from it all,  al hamdul'Illah.

We are preparing for our summer, and it is BIG preparation maashaa Allah. We are flying early tomorrow (June 14th) morning from Madinah to Kansas City, Missouri to attend the conference, Teaching our Children Tawheed, sponsored by Masjid Anas bin Malik inshaa Allah. If anyone is near enough to attend or is already planning to attend, we look forward to meeting you there.

We will be going to our land, Healing Earth, to spend two months developing it. On the list of thongs to do:
- get a well drilled
- plant thousands of seeds for privacy borders, trees, food forests, and landscaping
- build a cob oven
- build wooden toilet and shower facilities
- establish the foundation for the masjid
- build a playground for the children
- and anything else we can manage to get done, bi ithn Illah.

We will be spending Ramadhaan in large, all-weather, canvas tents, eating futoors of stew cooked in cast iron pots on campfires or rocket stoves. It is a very exciting prospect for us, maashaa Allah. Look for photos and progress reports in the coming weeks over on the Healing Earth blog inshaa Allah.

Now, on to a few things I want to share with you all before I fly off.

What's in your teardrop?

Sometimes watching others cry can trigger little revelations in my mind. I found myself considering what is in teardrops. Not the technical composition of NA and H2O - salt and water,  but what emotions, reasons, causes, and ultimately what benefits are in a person's teardrops.

Because I don't have time, I will refer you to the post "Laughter and Tears," where I explored the reasons for my tears...and I pray that Allah blesses us all with the insight and emaan to make our tears solely for Him - ameen.


Found this and have been reflecting on it's simplicity and accuracy ever since. May Allah rectify us all in this life, before it is too late - ameen!

Al-Hakeem al-Tirmidhi said:

صلاح خمسة في خمسة صلاح الصبي في المكتب وصلاح الفتى في العلم وصلاح الكهل في المسجد وصلاح المرأة في البيت وصلاح المؤذي في السجن

The rectitude of five lie in five: The rectitude of a child lies in the study-room. The rectitude of a youth lies in (seeking and acquiring) knowledge. The rectitude of the mature, middle-aged man lies in the masjid. The rectitude of a woman is in her house. And the rectitude of one who harms others is in the prison.

Al-Siyar of al-Dhahabi (13/441).



If you are looking for homeschooling resources that aren't just like watching TV, then we have found these to be excellent., From these two sites you will see other links for some excellent vocabulary lessons and basic US geography. It has a complete math curriculum by grade, maashaa Allah.

I have just one and a half hours before we fly, so I will leave it at that...please forgive me for my shortcomings and inshaa Allah, look out for posts over the summer. I will try to post the answers to the Ramadhaan questions I gave last year, so perhaps you can take up the challenge again?

Barak Allahu feekum!

