Bism Illah wa as salaamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh.
Sometimes it is very hard to see clearly when you are hurt or heartbroken by someone. To
be honest, only Allah knows the complete situation from both sides and if their treatment or behaviour is wrong.However, when you are hurt, think about what will heal the hurt. Think about
how things could be set right and what it would need from the
person/people who hurt you. Then make dua...for them.
Never forget
that the dua' of the oppressed has no shield between the person and
Allah. Ask Allah to guide them to be better, closer to the
manners and ways of the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam. Ask
Allah to make clear to them what He Loves and what He Hates and
guide them to all that He Loves. Ask Allah to show them the errors of their ways and correct them. Ask Allah to put love, for His
Sake, between you and them. Ask Allah to increase their
taqwa and emaan and make them an excellent servant of Allah. Seek protection from the fitna of them and the situation for yourself and your family. Then pray for
all of those things for yourself as well and for anyone else involved.
If everyone pleases Allah, then hearts will heal and success will follow.
This isn't Islam at a basic level, this is Islam at its finest. This is
praying for the one(s) who hurt you to become among Allah's best and
most beloved servants. Of course, it is up to Allah to guide them or
not, but you get even greater than what you wish for others and if they
are guided they will see the truth of their behavior and mend the
relationship with you, inshaa'Allah.
If you wonder whether I have done this, I can say that I most certainly
have and continue to do it, even when my heart is virtually in pieces from
the behavior towards me. Al hamdul'Illah, it has never caused me loss. I have faced, and do face, many deep hurts and heartbreaks from people,
but I know that the only way to make things better and heal my own heart
is for them to get better. May Allah help and guide us all - ameen.